We’re the driving force behind some of the city’s greatest annual fundraising events.

What we do
Winchester Round Table has been serving our community for decades, evolving to meet its changing needs while staying true to our founding values. Our legacy is built on creating positive change in Winchester, connecting people, and inspiring future generations to give back.
We have organised the annual charity Winchester Bonfire & Fireworks for over 65 years. We also run Winchester Santa Sleigh, helping Santa visit neighbourhoods across the city every Christmas.
We also organise of running the Pedal Paddle Pace, the unique triathlon across the city.
We meet on the first and third Tuesday of every month, either for business meetings or for relaxed social events.
Fundraising eventsWho we are
We’re a group of like-minded individuals aged between 18-45 who are passionate about giving back to the local community.
Our sister organization, Ladies Circle, is open to individuals who identify as or live as female within the same age group.
41 Club and Tangent represent the interests of members aged 45 and older.
Round Table is a truly international organization (RTI) with over 30,000 members in 60 different countries.
Funding request

In 1926, at the age of 28, Louis Marchesi (19 January 1898 – 10 December 1968), a young Rotarian of Norwich, felt that a need existed for a young men’s organisation on lines similar to Rotary. He was frustrated at not being given responsibility or the opportunity to earn recognition. He believed that there was much to be said for an organisation that would take into its ranks only young men. Others in Norwich were of the same mind and on 14th March 1927, a small group of young men met under the leadership of Marchesi and formed the first Round Table, an international fellowship and community charitable organisation for young men.
The motto Adopt, Adapt, Improve and indeed the title ‘Round Table’ were taken from a speech by the late Duke of Windsor when, as Prince of Wales, he opened the British Industries Fair in 1927 by saying:
“The young business and professional men of this country must get together Round the Table, Adopt methods that have proved so sound in the past, Adapt them to the changing needs of the times and, wherever possible, Improve them’..”
He conceived a club which could support younger businessmen; an idea he suggested to the membership in 1926.
The first Round Table – “Norwich Round Table No. 1” was formed at Suckling House, Norwich on 14 March 1927, with Marchesi as Secretary and other young Rotarians among its officers. To prevent ‘Round Table’ becoming an old persons club the founders initiated a retirement age of 31st March following the 40th birthday.
Within a year of inception, the membership of this Round Table had grown to 85 and interest was being shown in establishing Round Tables elsewhere. From a very early stage it was agreed that Round Table would be a non-religious, non-political club and this has continued to this day.
A second Round Table was established in Portsmouth and subsequent growth was rapid, with 125 Tables and a membership of 4,600 by the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939. Round Table proved it had international appeal with the first overseas Table formed in Copenhagen in 1936. During the war years Round Table in Denmark continued to expand although in the British Isles activity was restricted and was in the nature of a ‘holding operation’.
After 1945 the pattern of growth was rapidly re-established with Tables being ‘chartered’ all over the UK. Round Table now flourishes in the majority of European countries, throughout Africa, the Middle East, India, Hong Kong, New Zealand and America. In fact, Round Table is represented in every continent of the World.
To develop the acquaintance of young men through the medium of their various occupations.
To emphasise the fact that one’s calling, offers an excellent medium of service to the community.
To cultivate the highest ideals in business, professional, and civic traditions.
To recognise the worthiness of all legitimate occupations, and to dignify each his own by precept and example.
To further the establishment of peace and goodwill in international relationships.
To further these objects by meetings, lectures, discussions and other activities.
"May we, O Lord, ADOPT thy creed,
ADAPT our ways to serve thy need,
And we who on thy bounty feed,
IMPROVE in thought, in word, and deed."